Having studied economic psychology for years, the economist decided to become a therapist. He began to guide this discussion in search of understanding the complex real world
“In the company of two, three result in complexity.” Imagine if there were four!
The real world goes far beyond pairs and/or binary reasoning, like Tico-Tek (“2 neurons” without S and… without DR). Relationship discussion (RD) between a couple in therapy follows a structured process, facilitated by the therapist.
Having studied economic psychology (or behavioral economics) for years, the economist decided to become a therapist. He began to guide this discussion in search of understanding the complex real world.
At the beginning of therapy, the economist-therapist works with the couple to identify the main relationship issues that need to be addressed during the sessions. With the establishment of these objectives, they move on to exploring the key questions.
The economist-therapist facilitates open discussion between the couple (neoliberalism and globalization), encouraging them to express their concerns, feelings and needs. Each partner has the opportunity to talk about how they feel about their relationship.
The economist-therapist helps the couple to recognize patterns of behavior and interaction resulting in conflicts and problems in the relationship. He listens for negative communication patterns, lack of empathy, or imbalance in responsibilities.
It then teaches the couple certain interaction skills, such as actively listening, expressing themselves clearly and assertively, and resolving conflicts constructively. They practice these skills during sessions and receive feedback of the economist-therapist.
It then helps the couple explore deep emotions and unresolved issues. They affect your relationship, such as past traumas, insecurities or problems in relationships with others, including a possible break in fidelity.
The neoliberalism-globalization couple works together to identify areas of conflict and find mutually satisfactory solutions. The economist-therapist facilitates the negotiation process and helps you develop compromises and agreements.
After negotiation and conflict resolution, it helps the couple create an action plan to implement the changes discussed during therapy. This may include specific goals, improved interaction practices, and strategies to strengthen the relationship.
Finally, in this role as therapist, the economist carries out continuous monitoring and evaluation. Over the course of subsequent sessions, he monitors the couple's progress and regularly reviews their goals and strategies. They adjust the treatment plan as needed.
This is a general outline of the process of discussing the relationship between neoliberalism and globalization. Each therapy session varied, depending on the specific needs and dynamics of the couple, as well as the therapeutic approach of the economist-therapist, however, it was surprising that other relationships with neoliberalism appeared, awakening an atrocious jealousy in globalization.
Deindustrialization and, later, even financialization entered the conversation! The accusations of infidelity against neoliberalism were unbearable…
Initially, neoliberalism and globalization appeared to be closely linked, with policies often promoting the opening of markets, the reduction of trade barriers, and the facilitation of the movement of capital and goods between countries. According to the nuptial promises, they would give birth to the growth of international trade and global economic integration.
Did neoliberalism lie to globalization or was it unable to resist the seduction of deindustrialization? He became passionately involved with the various domestic industries that were disappearing due to facing foreign competition, that is, his spouse since marriage, that is, since the signing of a nuptial pact to provide services for an indefinite period with the beloved globalization.
To make matters worse, during the relationship discussion (DR), the betrayed woman discovered that neoliberalism and financialization are also deeply interconnected to the point of being considered “flesh and nails” – and not just complementary phenomena, emerging in response to changes in policies. economic and global environment. Some signs of how passionately related these two were were revealed.
Neoliberalism promoted binges with economic policies, emphasizing the deregulation of markets, including among its guests the financial market and its companion: financialization. His easing of regulatory restrictions on financial institutions and financial transactions facilitated the intimate relationship with that other mistress: the financialization of the economy.
He advocated the privatization of state-owned companies and the liberalization of markets, including the financial market, for this sinful purpose! It led to the growth of the financial system, because more innovations and services were given for private sector adoption. Offspring were born, to accommodate new investments and transactions, as natural children of unmarried parents.
Their parties were based on maximizing profits and the pursuit of self-interest as exclusive drivers of economic activity. It encouraged financial speculation and promiscuous behavior in the short term, for the entire financial system, contributing to its beloved financialization emerging socially.
By reducing the role of the state in the economy, including its intervention in financial markets, neoliberalism has led to less regulation and supervision of the financial system. Financialization was seduced by financial institutions operating more freely and taking higher risks.
Worse happened when neoliberalism promoted the liberalization of financial markets at a global level, allowing its new partner to enter the old one's field. It facilitated the movement of capital and the integration of international financial markets. Increased the interconnection and interdependence of national financial systems, treating financialization and globalization as equal!
In short, neoliberalism and financialization are closely related through economic policies that promote deregulation, privatization, profit maximization and reduction of the role of the State in the economy, thus facilitating the growth of this lover. It began to rival globalization.
So, these discoveries of infidelity were dramatic. Initially, Globalization suffered from the feeling of having been betrayed, but she reviewed her concepts as she became more aware of her husband's beloved lovers. Globalization even started to contribute to deindustrialization in certain regions, because its daughters, transnational companies, sought cheaper labor and consumer markets in other countries. This led to the decline of the manufacturing industry in traditionally industrial areas, as they transferred production abroad.
The shamelessness went so far as to take on the nickname “financial globalization”, an aspect of broader globalization, related to the expansion of financial markets on a global scale. Neoliberalism, her unfaithful husband, has often promoted policies favorable to financial liberalization, such as the deregulation of financial markets and the facilitation of capital movement between countries.
It led to the financialization of the globalized economy, with the financial system encompassing it by playing an increasingly dominant role in relation to other economic activities. As revenge, the financial system became the lover of globalization!
The economist-therapist realized, in this case, that group therapy for relationship discussion (RD) would be more convenient instead of couples therapy. It would be led by him and would involve a group of four epiphenomena – neoliberalism, globalization, deindustrialization and financialization – to share experiences and issues related to the relationships between them.
A relationship discussion group therapy would be a valuable opportunity to learn from others, gain emotional support, and develop skills to improve relationships. The economist-therapist will complete her narrative of events in another session.
*Fernando Nogueira da Costa He is a full professor at the Institute of Economics at Unicamp. Author, among other books, of Brazil of banks (EDUSP). []
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