Faced with the predictable electoral defeat of Jair Bolsonaro, his hosts may go into cruel madness mode
The apprehensions with the riot announced for the 7th of September were attenuated. The repudiation of the breakdown of institutionality has been vigorous. In addition to the demonstration by the USP Faculty of Law, there was the spectacle of Alexandre Morais taking office as president of STE. Many watched the embarrassment of the President of the Republic in the auditorium. It was a move to recover institutional morality.
The repercussion of Guilherme Amado's reports on coup-plotter businessmen also discouraged the riot. Millionaires with must have their beards soaked. With Lula's good electoral performance, they feel that they may soon lack protection. It is essential that they answer for their actions. Impunity encourages criminals.
One of the factors that discouraged coup maneuvers based on challenging electronic voting machines was the position taken by Washington authorities. What are the reasons for the United States, with its history of sponsoring coups in many countries, not endorsing the dreams of the troublemaker living in Planalto?
Washington may want to reduce the unpredictability of the Latin American political landscape. The United States is at war to prevent or delay the loss of hegemony in the world order. They are not interested in a convulsed Latin America, aggravating uncertainties.
In addition, the United States is experiencing dramatic internal tensions arising from the actions of the extreme right. The FBI warned last Friday, the 12th, about the danger of attacks by supporters of Donald Trump.
After police searched the former president's home, federal agents and other public safety officials were threatened. On Donald Trump's social network, activists are summoned to kill. A man has been arrested in Pennsylvania after posting that he would shoot down many FBI agents before he dies.
In the United States, there is no cohesion among Republicans. Many fear the terror environment, but those who support Donald Trump are active and dangerous. They call for the extinction of the FBI and the dismantling of the Department of Justice. They've already shown audacity on Capitol Hill. Lone wolves can bring the country to a grinding halt. Violent practices are commonplace in US politics, but US institutions have been more committed to exporting terrorism than encouraging its domestic use.
Political trends in the United States always bounce back in Brazil, penetrating society and institutions. Lava-jato techniques were imported, as well as the ranks' neoconservatism. In the Army, the introducer of radical neoconservatism was not General Avelar Coutinho, a copycat of American authors. His speech was endorsed by prominent officials, such as former Commander Villas-Boas.
Unlike US institutions, which practice terrorism across borders, Brazilian ones have a long history of using terror internally. This week, by the way, the flames of hell received one of the most bloodthirsty terrorists in Brazilian history, Sebastião Curió, who made a career in the Army.
The habit of violent practices against opponents explains the military support for the candidacy of a known terrorist for the presidency of the Republic. This man, from a young age, advocates shock and awe. In the face of his predictable electoral defeat, his hosts may go into cruel madness mode.
If we have registered in the last few days an easing of tensions, there is no room for carelessness. The defense of democracy must be permanent. There is no other way to neutralize the terrorist nature of the extreme right.
* Manuel Domingos Neto is a retired UFC/UFF professor, former president of the Brazilian Defense Studies Association (ABED) and former vice president of CNPq.
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