Now all signs should be closed. It is severe. Yes. It's the end of the World? Of course. Humanity, if it puts science at the service of life and not profit, will overcome this
By Chico Alencar*
Cities cannot stop. The economy cannot stop. We can not stop. Only not.
A virtuous and necessary global parade for the climate, against hunger, for a less consumerist, more just and democratic society is not starting. Unfortunately not. Who is paralyzing the gears of the system, as no revolutionary could, is a microscopic virus, in a new and still unknown "edition".
“Forgive me for the rush, it's the soul of our business”, sang Paulinho da Viola. Now all signs should be closed. It is severe. Yes. It's the end of the World? Of course. Humanity, if it puts science at the service of life and not profit, will overcome this one more.
China, where the first cases of the disease were noticed, is already, through collective and rigorous effort, reducing the episodes. Downward curve of the epidemic, there. On the rise in Europe, the new epicenter, and in the Americas, and in Brazil. This is neither exaggeration nor fantasy, gentlemen of power!
Listening to science – which is already making progress in discovering the genesis and combating the pandemic – is fundamental. Take practical care, literally at your fingertips, too. No panic, no inattention.
Not to cluster, at that moment, is to be socially responsible. Only the “denial” fanatics, infected by anger, do not understand. Or they replicate the small authoritarian gatherings of unhealthy politics.
From distress to reinvention!
This corona provokes us! Who knows, maybe it will even help us to be more attentive, supportive, generous? Learning to put our values back in order: first, care. With life, with others, with nature.
Learn, the private company, that it is necessary to reduce greed and working hours, change shifts, reduce the rush of crowded transport, guaranteeing jobs and wages. Learning to work from home, those who have work, almost a privilege in this new (?) (dis)world order.
Learning to have individual discipline, without the social pressure of the office, the store, the factory, the school, which we were guided to understand as the only productive “places”.
Learning not to go to the mall – these modern temples of the “Market God”. Learn not to be impressed by stock exchange speculation – the disastrous and opportunistic ciranda of financial capital, which affects even small savers.
Learning to – without cinema, theater, football, concerts – read a good book and resume long-interrupted conversations. Learn to meditate, pray, let yourself be invaded by art, why not? In Italy, the sung corners of isolation windows form a beautiful choir of hope.
Relearn to live: to find the universe in a grain of sand, to travel the world without leaving home. Enjoy the good contagion of those closest to you, knowing that they represent our plural Humanity, from which we are momentarily separated.
Soon we will meet again, added: without so many deaths to cry, with many "viruses" to spread: that of fraternity, that of generosity, that of respect for the equality of all human beings and their rich and healthy diversity.
*Chico Alencar is a professor, writer and former federal deputy for PT and PSOL