Note in support of President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva

Image: The Humantra


The fact that the memory of the Holocaust serves to condemn all genocides, including the Palestinian one, and serve to say never again with any people!

The barrage of attacks launched against President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva – including a request for impeachment by PL deputies – due to the fact that the President criticized the genocide in Gaza, using a quick comparison with the Jewish genocide by Nazism, it is based on a blatantly dishonest and bad faith intellectual distortion to serve certain purposes political and ideological. For the State of Israel, it is about using the memory of holocaust and the self-styled position of the exclusive victim of History, to cover up its practices of murder, carnage and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. For the extreme right, it is about using the case to try to politically undermine Brazil's democratic government.

The genocide of the Jews, the holocaust, was without a shadow of a doubt one of the most deplorable and brutal “crimes against humanity”. The words of Auschwitz death camp survivor Primo Levi – If this is a man -, resonate deeply when describing one of the moments in history in which humanity lost its soul.

In this global situation in which the humanitarian tragedy is deepening, any and all criticism of Zionism or the government of the State of Israel is immediately qualified as anti-Semitism. This is an authentic diversionary tactic that seeks to divert public attention from what is happening in Gaza.

What Lula did was to insert the absolute horror that the unfolding of the genocide in the Gaza Strip represents, under the eyes of an inert world, unable to act to stop the carnage.

On the other hand, it is necessary to remember that the International Court of Justice, the UN, international organizations and most countries in the world have repeatedly condemned the crimes committed by the State of Israel. 

In the same vein, this is what has been happening all over the world with broad popular mobilizations, including the important participation of Jews who repudiate the genocide of the Palestinian people, chanting the slogan “not in our name".

May the memory of Holocaust serve to condemn all genocides, including the Palestinian one, and serve to say, as President Lula did, never again with any people!

February 19, 2024

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