In an instant, glory!

Image: Cottombro


Antonio Barra Torres, the new hero of the Democrats, joined the consortium that threw the country into the mud

Nice shot, the Admiral's! In one move, he became a celebrity and hero of the left. What does it matter to have helped the fascist's election? It's not even worth remembering that he went up without masks on his podium at the height of the epidemic! Or even if he's involved in messes that delayed vaccination!

Nobody cared about the fact that the seaman, without credentials, had disputed and won his place in the agency that takes care of health surveillance. In the Senate meeting that approved his name, the candidate had nothing to say. By the way, he said that he loved motor racing and travel to distant lands.

For a century, the left has sought out military dissidents. In the only attempt to take power, in 1935, he relied only on his uniform. He figured the heroic caption of the Knight of Hope would suffice. In the struggle for oil, he clung to clashes at the Military Club. Right-wing generals were mythologized for defending energy autonomy, as if this were not the basics of national defense.

Lott, a four-sided reactionary, went down in history in big letters for, ironically, breaking the law to preserve the Constitution. (Occasionally people ask me if another Lott can come up). During the dictatorship established in 1964, the left anxiously listened to the dissidents in the barracks. It vibrated with the outbursts of Hugo Abreu. In suffocation, any reactionary in uniform would do. João Goulart bet exclusively on generals acclaimed as being “of the people”.

In 1978, Euler Bentes Monteiro broke the branch of consented opposition. The man had been protected by the violent Albuquerque Lima and the murderous Ernesto Geisel, who gave him the fourth star. Alongside Paulo Brossard, he would present himself to the electoral college to be defeated by João Figueiredo. With the 2016 coup underway, left-wing congressmen took to the podium to congratulate General Villas Boas on his birthday.

Behold, in the environment of scorched earth, in the despairing collective sadness, a sailor-doctor defying the President of the Republic. His impactful letter followed the mold consecrated by Benjamin Constant, the “founder of the Republic”: he argued his poor ancestry, the seal of family morality, his rise by merit and defended his institutional subordinates. He spoke thickly, demanding the fascist's retraction.

The consecration was instantaneous. The left went wild. Another shot of effect and the Admiral will enter the list of candidates for Lula's vice.

With his partners, the sailor-doctor was part of the consortium that threw the country into the mud. Now, at a dead end, he joins the democratic ranks, glorified. The state-of-the-art scam booklet reads: let's create the problem so that we can present the solution. Put the goat in the room to bring it out gloriously, when and if that's the case.

Knowing that Bolsonaro is destined for the trash can, the scammers seek by all means to extricate their images from the wreckage. The sailor-doctor made his contribution in this regard. Nobody even asked if he was acting in agreement with his superiors. The Admiral attacked as a good cop. It is obvious that he helps to dismantle the fascist myth, in addition to contributing to the improvement of the image of the uniform. It is also obvious that he helps to build an exit on the right.

We need a broad front to pull the country out of the ditch, not an inconspicuous arrangement to continue denying it a promising future. This country's Democrats need to curb their greed for saviors in uniform.

* Manuel Domingos Neto is a retired UFC/UFF professor, former president of the Brazilian Defense Studies Association (ABED) and former vice president of CNPq.


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