Bolsonarism, of which Tarcísio is version 2.0, is that. A form of extremism that always ends up putting a Rolex on the wrist of its leaders
The government of São Paulo decided that the state will not participate in the national textbook distribution program. It will prepare its own material that will be made available to students in digital format.
It is questionable what will be the special content that will reach schools in São Paulo. The military dictatorship as a period of peace and prosperity? Leftist Nazism? Creationism? flat earth?
It is not just the risk of contamination of didactic material by scientific denialism that characterizes the extreme right. There is also the fact that all research shows that students absorb content better when they read physical books.
What about student access to necessary equipment?
They will be distributed by the Secretary of Education. There's the cat jump. Secretary Renato Feder is a shareholder of the company that has millionaire contracts with its own Secretariat, for the supply of IT equipment.
The Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating “conflict of interest”, a nice name for a blatant theft.
Under pressure, the government admitted that it can print the handouts for students with difficulty accessing digital.
Printing is more expensive and produces a lower quality material than the book, without maintaining any of the technological advantages boasted with the migration to digital. If the digital book can simply be replaced by its printed version, what justifies the switch?
And where are the printers, in schools, to do the job? Perhaps an amendment to the contract with Multilaser – Feder’s company – solves the problem…
At the same time, the Secretary of Education announced that, in the competition for hiring new teachers, candidates will be evaluated by a 5 to 7 minute video, which each one must record.
the performance of an influencer worth twice as much as graduate degrees or previous classroom experience are worth.
The project to close schools in favor of distance learning is clear. A policy that not only reduces the quality of education, but also heavily penalizes the poorest – who lack equipment and have nothing to leave their children with. And it pushes those on the way to the private education market.
The policy of the Secretary of Education of São Paulo is to destroy the public school. There is also room for good business there.
Bolsonarism, of which Tarcísio is version 2.0, is that. A form of extremism that always ends up putting a Rolex on the wrist of its leaders.
* Luis Felipe Miguel He is a professor at the Institute of Political Science at UnB. Author, among other books, of Democracy in the capitalist periphery: impasses in Brazil (authentic).
Originally posted on the author's social media.
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