If it does not respond to the Israeli attack, Iran could find itself demoralized. If you go to war, you run the risk of a serious defeat.
In the face of the world's indifference, the genocide continues in Gaza.
It makes you want to ask: how many Palestinian children needed to be killed before the world was moved?
What will it take for a Palestinian life to finally be recognized as a human life?
Zionist leaders, members of Benjamin Netanyahu's government, praise soldiers who torture and rape Palestinian prisoners as heroes. Others openly advocate the extermination of the entire population of Gaza.
But none of this is enough for Israel to stop being recognized as the good partner of the liberal West, “the only democracy in the Middle East”.
An officially racist State, which deprives the majority of the population of any rights, imprisons children, tortures prisoners, uses the murder of opponents as a policy: what kind of democracy is that?
Now, Israel is trying to start a war in the region. (Yes, start: what is happening in Gaza, a powerful army against an unarmed population, is not a war, it is a massacre).
Two weeks ago, Israel bombed Yemen. Last Tuesday, it bombed Beirut. On Wednesday, it was Tehran's turn – the objective was to assassinate Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Hamas.
He was in the city for an official event, the inauguration of the new Iranian president. Israel detonated a bomb in an official government residence. All of this increases the severity of the aggression. The death of Ismail Haniyeh also makes a peace agreement in Gaza even more distant.
A war serves Benjamin Netanyahu's main objective: to remain in power.
And, with the war, Israel will try to position itself as a victim and repeat the old narrative of a poor state surrounded by hostile powers.
In fact, Israel is the aggressor power. Thanks to billion-dollar military aid from the United States, which is the great accomplice in the genocide of the Palestinian people, it has both offensive and defensive resources far superior to any other country in the region, including Iran.
If it does not respond to the Israeli attack, Iran could find itself demoralized. If you go to war, you run the risk of a serious defeat.
To contain Israel, it is necessary to build a broad rejection of the international community – which is difficult, given the weight of the Zionist lobby in United States politics. Still, we need to insist in this direction.
Brazil can take another step, going from verbal condemnation to breaking all commercial agreements and, finally, diplomatic relations with the genocidal State of Israel.
* Luis Felipe Miguel He is a professor at the Institute of Political Science at UnB. Author, among other books, of Democracy in the capitalist periphery: impasses in Brazil (authentic). []
Originally posted on the author's social media.
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