The conservative media tries to influence a possible Lula government also in the sphere of human rights, gender equality and democratic freedoms
It won't be easy, but we'll get there. With mass mobilization and programmatic clarity. Lula leads all electoral polls. Her candidacy is a point of convergence of the popular will. Ray of hope. A political, social, cultural, programmatic movement. Instrument to defeat neo-fascism and neoliberalism.
Lula's favoritism makes the side there adopt different tactics. One of them is to keep insisting with Bolsonaro - another is to try to cram the third way (Sérgio Moro or João Doria). And there is a more astute and pernicious one: to advise the PT and Lula – to try to frame us, to tame us. The field of economics is where most of this group's efforts are concentrated.
Now, however, they decided to try to influence a possible Lula government also in the sphere of human rights, gender equality and democratic freedoms. Bela Megale, a columnist for the Marinho brothers' “newspaper”, wrote a short text on the last November 16th dedicated to “Informing” how Lula would have guided the Workers' Party in approaching, in 2022, what she herself calls the “customs agenda”. ”.
It is funny. The material is so bad that not even its scheming objective can accomplish it. When reading the whole text, nothing is left standing. After informing us that Lula has “made clear the guideline on how he wants the party to handle controversies involving the agenda of customs that often surround the Bolsonaro government, with debates linked to the LGBTQ+ universe, racism, among other subjects”, the pseudo-report ( as no sources) ends up endorsing the commitment of Lula and the PT with these flags: "which are and continue to be dear to the party (...), based on human rights".
Lula created the program Brazil without homophobia in 2004 – a set of more than 50 actions and policies focused on promoting human rights and LGBT citizenship. Something unheard of. Here and in the world. Lula opened the first National LGBT Conference on June 5, 2008. About a thousand people, coming from all over Brazil – elected in the state conferences. Lula embraced Fernanda Benvenutty (an icon of the transvestite and transgender movement), raised the rainbow flag and made history. Her government created a national LGBT coordination, a public policy plan, an LGBT Council and a series of actions in various ministries.
On December 15, 2010, in an affective, farewell and accountability ceremony, with all social movements present, Lula won the title of “Santa Claus of the Gays” – among other compliments made by the representation of the LGBT movement on the occasion. On numerous occasions, Lula makes a point of mentioning the LGBT Conference – and proudly referring to everything that was accomplished during his two governments in favor of equality, sexual diversity and the fight against discrimination.
Remembering is living, isn't it? The year was 1981. At the founding and official PT convention, Lula had nailed it: “we will not accept that, in our party, homosexuality is treated as a disease and much less as a police case; We will defend the respect these people deserve.” Yes, that was in 1981!
The PT has a sector that organizes and proposes public policies for our population since 1991. It has been and has always been at the forefront in this area. That is, it will not happen, journalists from the mainstream media. We will not accept any distortion, omission or fake news
The PT is historically the Party that most defended, organized and contributed to the advancement of the LGBTI agenda in the country. And “big daddy” Lula is our ally, yes – and shameless. Active promoter of the rights of queers, locks, shoes, trans, bi and etc. Lula has already done a lot for us. And he will do much more. That columnist The globe made a big mistake, made a bad mistake.
Lulão is a libertarian, a friend of the LGBTI, advanced, committed to human rights. A guy who is proud of everything he's done to boost this fight. Lula is the anti-Bozo. The opposite of toxic masculinity, so dear to neo-fascists. Lula is plural, affectionate. He is sweet, democratic, well-resolved, welcoming, a friend of LGBTI, women, the poor, blacks, indigenous peoples, all excluded people. Lula is inclusiveness, diversity – true love!
There is not or will be a Marinho columnist who will alienate Lulão with the gays, with the locks, with the shoes, with the bi, with the trans, with the trans boys, with all and all of our diverse and challenging community.
Lula is pure rainbow!
* Julian Rodrigues is a professor, journalist and activist of the LGBTI and Human Rights movement.