The world wants to hear Lula

Image: Pascal Debrunner


After the two historic decisions of the STF, the world once again wanted to listen to President Lula

In April of last year, in a homily on the 28th, Pope Francis warned, when meditating on the condemnation of Jesus of Nazareth, for the fact of the public lynching previously established by the dissemination of false news and contexts. The Pope says: “Still today we see in some countries, when you want to carry out a coup d'état and eliminate a politician so that he does not run for election, you do this: false news, slander, then you entrust yourself to a judge of those who they like to create jurisprudence with this situationist positivism that is in fashion, and the politician is condemned. It is a social lynching”.

The Pope concluded his homily by exhorting the faithful Catholic Christians not to act in this wrong and iniquitous way, asking God “to help them to be just in their judgments, never to start or follow massive condemnations provoked by media slander”. Certainly those more aware faithful have the great opportunity in this Easter Season to express their deep regret for having supported the injustices committed due to media slander in this last Brazilian political court since 2016, becoming their way of thinking and acting. This call to conversion also includes all the lukewarm who comfortably stayed on top of the wall.

With the judgments of Minister Edson Fachin (STF), on March 08th, deciding, even with a delay of five years, that the 13th Federal Court of Curitiba was incompetent to judge the cases of President Lula, overshadowed by the resolution of the 5th Class of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) by decreeing the suspicion of former judge Sérgio Moro (code name Russo) in his partial and partisan role, acting as accuser and coordinator of fraudulent actions by prosecutors, concluded a phase of the cycle of fights for resumption of democracy in Brazil. After all, when Justice is affected in its essence by the nefarious action of a thief and thieving judge, producing, in collusion with the hegemonic means of communication, as a result of media persecution, the political arrest of the greatest Brazilian leader, summarily removing him from elections, democracy is heavily vilified.

After the two historic decisions of the STF, the world once again wanted to listen to President Lula. First, the CNN International Network, on Thursday, 18/03, promoted a conversation mediated by the international anchor, journalist Christiane Amanpour. With a competent analysis of the national joint, Lula highlighted that “Bolsonaro, instead of running the country, prefers to wake up at four in the morning and tell his lies on his cell phone on social networks, producing fake news like we have never seen in the history of Brazil”.

The following day, the 19th, it was the turn of the French newspaper “Le Monde”, led by journalists Nicolas Bourcier and Bruno Meyerfeld. Lula remembered that the first trip after his release was to Rome, for an audience with Pope Francis, to talk about a worldwide campaign to combat inequalities in the world. “It is not possible to see people accumulating millions of dollars, when in the world there are hundreds of millions of people who sleep without having enough to eat. And during the pandemic, unemployment and hunger increased. This is not tolerable,” said the former president.

It fell to the German magazine “Der Spiegel”, on March 26th, publish your interview with President Lula. Two particularities stand out from the body of the interview. In the first place, Lula's conversation with Angela Merkel requested that the German chancellor support the proposal to break vaccine patents, freeing up production by countries. Secondly, he denounced at world level, “the greatest genocide in the history of Brazil”. He said verbatim: “For a year Bolsonaro did not take the virus seriously, spreading lies. For a year he attacked everyone who disagreed with him. If he really cared about the people, he would have set an example, immediately put on a mask and would not have provoked crowds.”

Yesterday, April 02nd, it was the turn of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP), under the command of journalist José Rodrigues, listen to the voice of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Without mincing words, with the authority of having governed Brazil for two terms (2003-2006; 2007-2010), he clarified to world public opinion that “we have a President Bolsonaro who did not take care of the Brazilian people, disrespected science and doctors . The only truth is that Bolsonaro cannot continue to govern Brazil”, stated President Lula emphatically. And he added: “I am interested that every Brazilian gets vaccinated; that all Brazilians have an emergency aid of at least R$600,00 (six hundred reais) to support themselves; that small and micro-entrepreneurs also receive emergency aid, until the end of covid-19; and interested in implementing a job generation policy”.

Also yesterday, the influential newspaper “The Washington Post”, in his editorial titled “Brazil's Bolsonaro failed to stop covid-19. Now he may be targeting democracy” (Bolsonaro’s Brazil failed to prevent covid-19. Now he may be wanting to attack democracy), he said that “instead of fighting the coronavirus, Bolsonaro seems to be preparing the bases for another disaster : a political coup against lawmakers and voters who might remove him from office. Bolsonaro’s clear plan is to have as many armed men on his side as possible in the event of an impeachment or an adverse result in the 2022 election.”

Thus, the second phase of this cycle of struggles for democracy takes place for the immediate reestablishment of political normality vilified in a fraudulent election in which not only did the former pickpocket judge, through his persecutory sentence, prevent President Lula from participating in the election, as well as the twitter of General Villas Bôas, threatening the STF in April 2018 in the judgment of the Habeas Corpus filed acting openly against democracy.

The result of this coup is expressed in the pariah condition in which Brazil was placed by the group in power; with tens of millions unemployed; with gasoline reaching R$6,00; kitchen gas costing R$90,00; with the return to the Hunger Map; with the dismantling of Petrobras and the economic arrangement of heavy engineering; with almost 350 dead from covid-19, in the biggest genocide in our history.

*Alexandre Aragão de Albuquerque Master in Public Policy and Society from the State University of Ceará (UECE).

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