Launch of the first anthology of journalism by Patrícia Galvão (Pagu)
Edusp announces the release of the first anthology of journalism by Patrícia Galvão (Pagu), Words of Rebellion. The result of decades of research in the archives, it opens with an unpublished introduction by his son, Geraldo Galvão Ferraz, written more than 10 years ago especially to accompany this collection of journalism.
The anthology rescues some 200 columns from oblivion, representing thirty years of comments on Brazilian politics, society and culture (1931-1961) by one of its most vivid and celebrated figures. The reader will once again be able to hear Pagu's unmistakable voice on politics, follow its faithful dedication to its ideals, hear its critical and rebellious voice, commented by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, and follow its ever penetrating and compassionate vision.
The anthology anticipates the ePub release of the complete collection of journalism in four volumes, widely represented here. It opens with “Pagu and Politics”, from his attacks on modernist society in the columns of “A Mulher do Povo” (1931), to the satire of the “Kremilian Konstituinte” in Socialist Vanguard (1945-6), to everyday themes in columns signed ARIEL, published in At night (1942) and the long series “Cor local” from 1946 to 1954, signed Pt.
It includes documents from Patrícia's process by the National Security Court, after her return to France (1936-40), as well as the Resolution expelling the Communist Party from Brazil (1939).
Patrícia Galvão reveals herself in journalism as a great voice on the arts and literature, comparable to Sérgio Milliet and his Critical Diary. In surprising columns, Pagu talks about Clarice Lispector, Hilda Hilst, Drummond, Lima Barreto, Graciliano and Machado. In the arts, he comments on Burle Marx, Segall, Cícero Dias, Portinari and Tarsila, among others. She is the author of the first columns in Brazil about Fernando Pessoa.
In the 1950s he devoted himself to theatre, with columns both on world theater and on the plays he considered to be the best in national theatre, The Car of Compadecida e Payer of Promises, which he describes as “the best ever”. He also comments on the staging in Santos or São Paulo of plays by Beckett, Ionesco, Arrabal and Octavio Paz.
In the anthology of great world authors (1946-1961), his last major project, Pagu chose and translated more than 100 authors – Joyce, Woolf, Faulkner, Bréton, Cocteau, Tzara, Mansfield – including a short story by Borges and, in a gesture avant-garde, short story by King Shelter, the name he used for his own detective stories. And Patrícia a poet appears, with verses she wrote in her final years, signed Solange Sohl, discovered and honored by Augusto de Campos, who participates in the anthology with a new text.
Patrícia Galvão's anthology of journalism recovers one of the most original voices in the construction of modern Brazil, one of its most suffering and most resistant figures. With the journalism that she practiced for 30 years, Pagu tells of her political action and her rebellion, of satire and parody of everything and everyone, of the theater, of the appreciation of the great names of Brazilian and world literature. After the return of democracy with the end of the war, she refined an educational vision of citizenship, wishing to present to the Brazilian public the great names of world literature of her time, using her talents as a translator and intellectual.
The whole of journalism reveals an enormous amount of texts, portraying Patrícia Galvão's life of passion, confirming her faith in her readers and her dedication to the fight to form a better Brazil, worthy of her ideals.
*Kenneth David Jackson is a professor at Yale University, where he directs the Portuguese Studies area. Author, among other books, of Cannibal Angels: Transatlantic Modernism and the Brazilian Avant-Garde (Peter Lang).
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