Pedro Moraleida Bernardes

Pedro Moraleida Bernardes

Pedro Moraleida Bernardes

Despite being very young and only at the beginning of his career as an artist, Pedro Moraleida Bernardes left, when he died prematurely, in 1999, at the age of 22, while still a student at the School of Fine Arts at UFMG, a large and diverse collection of works of art, consisting of about 450 paintings, (using mixed techniques, oil, acrylic, gouache, graphite, colored pencils, collages, among others, on various supports such as paper, wood, fabric, canvas, metal, etc.) ; 1450 drawings (including comics and cartoons and even about X-rays); more than four and a half hundred texts (including poems, manifestos, short stories, parables, existential reflections on art and nature, etc.) and about 120 sound experiments.

Collection that impresses both for the volume and diversity of forms of expression, techniques and supports used, as well as for the richness of its characteristics, for the quality of content and forms, for its timeliness, originality, consistency and coherence. It is a unique and genuine collection, the result of daring, innovative work, engaged in the human and social themes of our time, controversial, coherent and against the dominant trends in the plastic arts of Minas Gerais and Brazil at the time, through which the “painting had died” and "art", to preserve itself as such, it should be "indifferent" ou “neutral” in relation to human and social dilemmas and conflicts, with content and form, in a sense, premonitory and precursors of trends that would only gain strength over time.

The artist himself expressed, in several personal texts, his particular vision about art and the work of artists, as in the presentation he made of the works presented in the exhibition “BH From here to a century", in 1997, commemorating the centenary of Belo Horizonte, where it says: “… in these works, I try to use images and characters from the Bible, from Greek mythology, to convey an aggressive and morbid impression, also using symbols such as dismembered people, people urinating or defecating and grotesque animals (lizards, insects, etc.). I try to convey this kind of impression to talk about the characteristics of our time, especially people in my age group. I try to talk especially about certain characteristics that deeply displease and irritate me in my generation, such as a disguised conservatism and a hedonism that is nothing more than a refuge from one's own problems. This is all I want to say, the rest is up to anyone who sees it.”




Lorenzo Stained Glass Joao Quartim de Moraes Anselm Jappe Joao dos Reis Silva Junior Plínio de Arruda Sampaio Jr. Marilena Chauí Maria Rita Kehl Joao Carlos Loebens Francisco Pereira de Farias Mario Maestri Thomas Piketty Joao Carlos Salles Marilia Pacheco Fiorillo Ronald Leon Núñez Ronald Rocha Dennis Oliveira Alexandre Juliete Rosa Vanderlei Tenorio Leda Maria Paulani Ricardo Musse Michael Lowy Jean-Pierre Chauvin Atilio A. Borón Rubens Pinto Lyra Ricardo Antunes Lucas Fiaschetti Estevez Priscila Figueiredo Francisco de Oliveira Barros Junior Benicio Viero Schmidt Hugo Dionisio Paulo Martins Emilio Cafassi Daniel Costa Julian Rodrigues Elias jabbour Antonio David Fernando Nogueira da Costa Ronaldo Tadeu de Souza Alexandre Aragão de Albuquerque Luiz Renato Martins Walnice Nogueira Galvão Claudius Katz Eugenio Trivinho Gilberto Lopes Mariarosaria Fabris Marcos Aurélio da Silva Yuri Martins-Fontes Paulo Fernandes Silveira Matheus Silveira de Souza Ricardo Fabbrini Paulo Sergio Pinheiro Eleutério FS Prado Armando Boito Fernão Pessoa Ramos Gerson Almeida Vinicio Carrilho Martinez Jorge Branco Joao Lanari Bo Alexandre de Oliveira Torres Carrasco Tales Ab'Saber Jose Raimundo Trinidad Leonardo Sacramento daniel afonso da silva Carla Teixeira Eugenio Bucci Diogo Fagundes Marcus Ianoni Jean Marc Von Der Weid Tadeu Valadares Luiz Roberto Alves Antonino Infranca Valerio Arcary Henry Burnett Ricardo Abramovay Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa Octavian Helene Ruben Bauer Naveira Caio Bugiato Denis de Moraes Daniel Brazil Jose Luis Fiori Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira Mark Silva Renato Ortiz Airton Paschoa Liszt scallop Manuel Domingos Neto Luiz Werneck Vianna Heraldo Campos Slavoj Žižek Marcelo Modolo Tarsus-in-law Celso Favaretto Rafael R. Ioris Boaventura de Sousa Santos michael roberts Luis Felipe Miguel Andrew Korybko José Micaelson Lacerda Morais Lincoln Secco Osvaldo Coggiola Gabriel Cohn José Geraldo Couto Luiz Bernardo Pericas Vladimir Safari Michel Goulart da Silva José Machado Moita Neto Dirceu Sandra Bitencourt Milton Pinheiro Flavio R. Kothe Andre Marcio Neves Soares Luiz Eduardo Soares Leonardo Avritzer pressure gauge Erik Chiconelli Gomes Igor Felipe Santos Fabio Konder Comparato Andres del Rio Carlos Tautz Sergio Amadeu da Silveira Celso Frederick Chico Alencar Paulo Capel Narvai Marcelo Guimaraes Lima Renato Dagnino Gilberto Maringoni Juarez Guimaraes Flavio Aguiar Everaldo de Oliveira Andrade Afrânio Catani John Adolfo Hansen Antonio Sales Rios Neto Ari Marcelo Solon Bruno Machado Alysson Leandro Mascaro Annateresa Fabris Luciano Nascimento Remy Jose Fontana Jose Costa Junior Chico Whitaker Eleonora Albano Salem Nasser André Singer Francisco Fernandes Ladeira Bernardo Ricupero Bento Prado Jr. Luis Fernando Vitagliano Joao Sette Whitaker Ferreira Samuel Kilsztajn José Feres Junior Bruno Fabricio Alcebino da Silva Jorge Luiz Souto Maior Erico Andrade Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr. Denilson Cordeiro Luiz Marques Leonardo Boff John Kennedy Ferreira Henri Acselrad





Rafael R. Ioris Mark Silva Afrânio Catani Alexandre de Oliveira Torres Carrasco Renato Dagnino Flavio Aguiar Priscila Figueiredo Antonio David Celso Frederick Gilberto Maringoni Marcos Aurélio da Silva Alexandre Aragão de Albuquerque Luis Felipe Miguel Ricardo Antunes Jean Marc Von Der Weid Mario Maestri Claudius Katz Leonardo Boff Elias jabbour Ronald Leon Núñez Leonardo Sacramento José Feres Junior Salem Nasser Henry Burnett Atilio A. Borón Paulo Martins Ricardo Fabbrini Jorge Luiz Souto Maior Eugenio Bucci Bruno Machado Joao Carlos Loebens Boaventura de Sousa Santos Carlos Tautz Eleutério FS Prado daniel afonso da silva Slavoj Žižek pressure gauge Celso Favaretto Heraldo Campos Marcelo Guimaraes Lima Bruno Fabricio Alcebino da Silva Marcelo Modolo Gabriel Cohn Lincoln Secco Osvaldo Coggiola Liszt scallop Hugo Dionisio Anselm Jappe Diogo Fagundes Francisco Fernandes Ladeira John Kennedy Ferreira Luiz Eduardo Soares Jose Costa Junior Ricardo Musse Luiz Werneck Vianna Francisco de Oliveira Barros Junior Vanderlei Tenorio Remy Jose Fontana Joao Sette Whitaker Ferreira Vladimir Safari Leda Maria Paulani André Singer Denis de Moraes Renato Ortiz Luiz Roberto Alves Jean-Pierre Chauvin Ronald Rocha Luiz Marques Fernão Pessoa Ramos José Geraldo Couto Samuel Kilsztajn Walnice Nogueira Galvão Ricardo Abramovay Henri Acselrad Tadeu Valadares Milton Pinheiro Jose Luis Fiori Marcus Ianoni José Machado Moita Neto Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa michael roberts Paulo Capel Narvai Luiz Renato Martins Michel Goulart da Silva Andre Marcio Neves Soares Everaldo de Oliveira Andrade Chico Whitaker Mariarosaria Fabris Paulo Fernandes Silveira Caio Bugiato Alexandre Juliete Rosa Carla Teixeira Paulo Sergio Pinheiro José Micaelson Lacerda Morais Erik Chiconelli Gomes Lorenzo Stained Glass Bernardo Ricupero Eugenio Trivinho Lucas Fiaschetti Estevez Chico Alencar Antonino Infranca Airton Paschoa Joao dos Reis Silva Junior Sandra Bitencourt Juarez Guimaraes Gilberto Lopes Plínio de Arruda Sampaio Jr. Joao Quartim de Moraes Ronaldo Tadeu de Souza Manuel Domingos Neto Luiz Bernardo Pericas Eleonora Albano Michael Lowy Luciano Nascimento Antonio Sales Rios Neto Thomas Piketty Jorge Branco Emilio Cafassi Alysson Leandro Mascaro Igor Felipe Santos Tales Ab'Saber Joao Lanari Bo Bento Prado Jr. Jose Raimundo Trinidad Armando Boito Dirceu Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr. Daniel Brazil Joao Carlos Salles Rubens Pinto Lyra Leonardo Avritzer Luis Fernando Vitagliano Francisco Pereira de Farias Fabio Konder Comparato Vinicio Carrilho Martinez Andres del Rio Dennis Oliveira Denilson Cordeiro Flavio R. Kothe Ari Marcelo Solon Gerson Almeida Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira Annateresa Fabris Tarsus-in-law Julian Rodrigues Fernando Nogueira da Costa Octavian Helene Ruben Bauer Naveira Yuri Martins-Fontes Valerio Arcary Matheus Silveira de Souza John Adolfo Hansen Marilena Chauí Benicio Viero Schmidt Daniel Costa Andrew Korybko Sergio Amadeu da Silveira Erico Andrade Maria Rita Kehl Marilia Pacheco Fiorillo