Letter from teachers and researchers at Unesp, Unicamp and USP
Due to their democratic, critical and humanist convictions, the undersigned – professors and researchers from Unesp, Unicamp, USP and other institutions – come public in order to express their unrestricted solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Since October 2023 until now, in a shocked and helpless way, we have witnessed the deepening of the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza. Every day, human lives are brutally taken and nothing remains but rubble and ruins of the vital facilities of the region's population.
The statistics are stunning: two million people (80% of the population) have been expelled from their homes and are at permanent risk of ethnic cleansing. 70% of the buildings – houses, hospitals, churches, schools and all 12 universities – were bombed and destroyed with the clear aim of turning Gaza into an uninhabitable, desert-like region.
More than 40 thousand people were killed (among them, 70% children and women); 19 thousand children became orphans. More than a thousand of them have one or two parts of their bodies amputated and tens of thousands of families have been removed from the civil registry. The reports from unsuspected human rights entities about the destruction of Gaza are endless and the images and videos that we have access to daily are shocking and increase our indignation.
The most recent attacks by the powerful Israeli Armed Forces against a refugee camp in Rafah, in the south of Gaza – through which children, women and the elderly were burned (at least 45 dead and more than 200 injured) – demonstrate, in definitively, the intention of the current Israeli government to annihilate the Palestinian people.
Faced with this scenario of unprecedented, insane and endless violence, we cannot remain silent. Refusing to talk about Gaza at this time cannot but mean connivance with the ongoing “crimes against humanity”.
Recognizing the gestures and humanitarian initiatives of the Brazilian government, we therefore unite our voices with everyone who requests that Brazil join the other nations that have severed diplomatic and commercial relations with the State of Israel. In a timely and justified manner, all these governments demand compliance with international decisions that call for a ceasefire, an end to the genocide and demand the implementation of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people.
The world demands an end to the illegal Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories and an end to the inhumane and criminal system of apartheid to which the Palestinian people are subjected.
Taking the words of a Letter from intellectuals and artists addressed, in these days, to the President of the Republic Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, we believe that these urgent positions could constitute a valuable contribution to stopping the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.
Free and Sovereign Palestine!
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