Forgive Grupo Globo?

Image_Oto Vale


Grupo Globo's objective, as is well known, is to control the transition process, starting with the final stage of Bolsonaro's mismanagement, in any way possible.

The article by Ascânio Seleme — published inThe Globe, on July 11, with the affirmative title “It’s time to forgive the PT”[I] (which already says a lot about his arrogance and hypocrisy) — was written, with the likely assent of the Marinho brothers, to test the reactions to his proposals, both from sectors of the liberal right who are unhappy with Bolsonaro in the Presidency (but support the economic policy ultraliberal commanded by Paulo Guedes) and, on the other hand, the PT and the left.

The issue that the article reveals is: the liberal right and financial market agents — whose interests Grupo Globo represents — came to the conclusion that they need the PT and the left to remove Bolsonaro from the Presidency.

When the pandemic situation allows it, once it is under control, it will be the left and social movements that will crowd the streets, squares and avenues of Brazilian cities for “Fora Bolsonaro”, both PT and non-PT.

On July 11, Ricardo Cappelli (PCdoB) published a text with the title “Time to forgive Globo”.[ii] Two days later, Gilberto Maringoni (PSOL) published the article entitled “Globo bravados and calls the PT to talk. Will the Party refuse?”[iii]. Both advocate that the PT “forgive” Grupo Globo — even if Maringoni does not write in those words — and establish talks with company representatives.

If Grupo Globo and sectors of the liberal right want to remove Bolsonaro from the Presidency — after having played a central role in the process of criminalizing the PT and politics, which allowed the election of the ogre in 2018 — let them fulfill their role to denounce the immense setbacks of this mismanagement and to seek evidence (as investigative journalism does) of the Bolsonaro family’s close links with organized crime in Rio de Janeiro and the hired killers of the “Office of Crime”. Incidentally, Grupo Globo journalism — if it were effectively responsible for the future of Brazil — should have done this before and during the 2018 election campaign, but the victory of Fernando Haddad (PT) did not matter.

I hope that sectors of the liberal right that are now against Bolsonaro — but that allowed his election in 2018 — will do their part.

The left will also do theirs, defending the impeachment of the Bolsonaro-Mourão ticket — the spurious methods used in the election campaign are known — and not just the impeachment, with the maintenance of Mourão and Guedes (or another minister who defends the same economic policy) in power.

The PT must not “forgive” — it is worth noting that Grupo Globo did not ask for any forgiveness — nor should it join hands with the coup plotters. Each one does their part, but they don't need to unite in a “broad front” that, in fact, does not exist.

Grupo Globo's objective, as is known, is to control the transition process, starting with the final stage of Bolsonaro's mismanagement, in any way. And being under this control is everything that does not interest the PT.

We'll see what comes.

*Katia Gerab Baggio is a professor of History of the Americas at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

[I] Ascanio Seleme. "It's time to forgive the PT". In: The Globe, July 11, 2020 [Available at:].

[ii] Richard Cappelli. “Time to forgive Globo”. In: Brazil 247, July 11, 2020 [Available at:].

[iii] Gilberto Maringoni. “Globo bravados and calls the PT to talk. Will the Party refuse?”. In: GGN, July 13, 2020 Available at:].

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