Today Bolsonarism is left with permanent provocation as a means of survival and hope for the future, but not without help from the media and conservative liberals.
Following the North American republican right / extreme right (here and here this practical-ideological continuity between the “rights” is expressed in ways that are at the same time specific and similar), Bolsonarism remains today the permanent provocation as a way of survival and future hope. Also counting on the support of the Coup Party Press in its permanent crusade against the Brazilian people, today against the popular government of Lula.
And with the active and passive contribution of so-called traditional “conservatives”, the heirs of our sui generis “liberalism-stick-in-the-lombo-do-povo” (as Maria da Conceição Tavares would say), enthroned by the civil-military coup of 1964, plus the neoliberals of Avenida Faria Lima and neighborhoods that recondition in the XNUMXst century, with new masks, the secular apartheid social-racial aspects of the historical formation of the nation.
There is a lot of non-compliance among the defeated of 2022 with the new perspectives that arise with the election of Lula and with the settling of accounts on the part of the bourgeoisie with the excesses and totalitarian hallucinations of Jair Bolsonaro and his neo-fascist hordes, which, as a temporary solution against the popular field have become, through incompetence and an absolute lack of manners and moderation, an embarrassment and an impediment to the normalized practice of domination and to present and future affairs. As usual.
The growing complexity of reorganizing world power structures, which the Ukraine war has made clear, can no longer simply be ignored. Even the Brazilian ruling class, little used to subtleties in the exercise of its command over the disinherited masses in the country, understood or simply suspected that this was the case. The context that made the election of the captain of the lower clergy possible can no longer be reproduced as it is. And it won't be, even with an eventual election of Donald Trump in the US. To the dismay and disorientation of some.
Thus, that novice far-right politician, elected in the Bolsonaro wave, who dresses like a weekend cowboy, has his identity incarnated in a fetish hat that hides his head and apparently blocks his understanding, an adult or post -teenager who goes by the codename of a comic book or radio soap opera character, this novice politician calls for US intervention against Maduro in Brazil! What greater demonstration of Bolsonarist patriotism than asking for the direct interference of Uncle Sam and his troops against the elected government of Brazil?
In the same vein, the Coup Party Press tries, against the evidence and against the new global winds, to discredit the head of government and his administration, repeating the recent past in the hope of a new coup, that is, the continuity of the coup regime of Michel Temer and Jair Bolsonaro with some new protagonist. As in the recent past, the conservative-neo-fascist duo spares no effort to manufacture difficulties and crises, regardless of the cost, which will be paid, as always, by the population that does not frequent Avenida Faria Lima, does not visit the heads of newsrooms or the corridors of Brasilia.
Thus, the undemocratic and, let's say, self-evaluative initiatives of the parliamentarians headed by the Viceroy of the Western Overseas Possessions, Mr. Arthur Lira, like the new Eduardo Cunha, parades his unquestionable power and imposes conditions on the head of the elected government. But feet of clay sooner or later fail to support illustrious characters in their solemn apparitions.
The extreme right installs its CPI against the MST, to avoid a possible true institutional anti-corruption CPI, which would be fatal to them if it could in fact be implemented (just in case, see the current fate of the captain of chaos, better to be safe). Among his various provocations, a unique strategy to maintain his dwindling radical audience, is the recent impeachment attempt.[1] of the PSOL and PT deputies, Sâmia Bonfim (SP), Célia Xakriabá (MG), Talíria Petrone (RJ), Fernanda Melchionna (RS), Érika Kokay (DF) and Juliana Cardoso (SP) under the pretext of “breaking decorum"! Proposition that, coming from the party that has among its representatives one called Zé Trovão, Mr. Ricardo Salles, freshman Nikolas Ferreira, among other similar characters, sounds like mockery towards public opinion and even towards this congress that does not excel in intelligence and civility.
This initiative is added, marginally in style and content, to the coup-like spirit and style initiatives to strip the current government of its prerogatives and constitutional power, initiatives led by Mr. Arthur Lira, commander of Centrão, Eduardo Cunha's old compadre, Bolsonaro's faithful supporter and guarantor of the unbelievable, but really articulated "secret budget".
By proposing the cancellation of mandates of PSOL deputies,[2] the extreme right tries to react and create bargaining conditions to defend its representatives threatened with impeachment. Despite the support of Mr. Arthur Lira for the odd initiative of the PL, the extreme right overestimates its strength and its real capabilities. He clings to the recent past in which he held the presidency and had the Coup Party Press as an unconditional ally.
Just like Mr. Lira believes she can simply transfer the form and content of his power during the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro to the new political moment. To them will be reserved, sooner rather than later, what in the English language is designated as “rude awakening”, that is, a sudden and uncomfortable awakening to a new reality.
*Marcelo Guimaraes Lima is an artist, researcher, writer and teacher.
[1]Communication from congresswoman Sâmia Bomfim: “The PL, the party of Bolsonaro and the Militia, asked for the annulment of our mandate with an absurd representation in the ethics council of the Chamber. They also filed claims against Fernanda Melchionna (PSOL), Celia Xakriabá (PSOL), Juliana Cardoso (PT), Talíria Petrone (PSOL) and Erika Kokay (PT). The party of the genocidal and those who hate women wants to silence the feminist and combative parliamentarians of Congress. This just shows how much our voices and struggles are necessary and need to expand more and more. Help us defeat this attack and give them a message, sign and support the mobilization in defense of our struggles and against the coup plotters. We will stand firm, together and we will win”.
[2] Petition against the removal of the mandates of the representatives of the left (PSOL and PT) in parliament
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