Follow the matriarchy

Image: Ernest Ghazaryan


A mater homeland through which and in which we will abandon patriarchies, with the advent of the cosmological matrilineality of the Earth, water for everyone and no one; nature and society indiscernible

Abandon everything and follow matriarchy

No Gospel of Mark, Jesus tests the faith of the Pharisees, telling them “abandon everything and follow me”! Patriarchy and matriarchy hold the same challenge: they demand that we abandon everything to follow them.

However, they are opposite principles, “abandon everything and follow me”!, in one case and in another. For patriarchy, abandoning everything is accepting everything; it is surrendering to what exists, to what is constituted, to the order of things; it is to abandon oneself in the name of the sovereign power that exists to limit and kill life.

For matriarchy, however, “abandon everything and follow me!” has another meaning, completely different, namely: it abandons the constituted, the order of things, the existing world to build a livable world for women, because effectively them; because of no one.

In the modern era, the patriarchy's order of things is established by the requirement that we follow the unlimited reproduction of capital and most especially the order of things constituted by the chief bureaucrat of capital: imperialism; today, the North American; brother of lies (knows how to smile without ceasing to be infamous) and of war; and so of death.

In the name of its own capital, imperialism tells us: “Abandon everything, your own life in abundance, and follow me”. And alienated work continues, surrendering to the constituted: to its own death.

Karl Marx, that bearded matriarch, told the worker: “Abandon capital and follow your own destiny.” This is why Marxism is the science of individual-collective liberation, because it emerges out of forced and voluntary servitude.

With Marxism, work only has to follow itself, outside of patriarchy and its legacy of circular time, because time in which history occurs as a present that reproduces the past and imposes itself on the future.

Friedrich Engels in 1884 asserted that the history of patriarchy is the history of the patrilineal coup d'état, which took the feminine power of matrilineality by storm, monopolizing economic production, by enslaving the offspring, that is, the daughters and sons of the matriarchy; as well as the reproduction of offspring, by removing the right of inheritance (ultimately the entire social past) from the female seal, transforming, from now on, the State, the family and private property into the spitting image of men, then separated from the women's community , pushed into the objective condition of prostitution.

Rosa Luxemburg, in turn, told us: “Abandon everything and follow me outside the accumulation of capital, managed by the imperialist patriarchy, that patriarchal State that imposes monopoly private property over and against the production and reproduction of the people of the planet, by expanding the patrilineal market to all dimensions of life, violently.”

The becoming of a Marxian woman

This is why Marxism is becoming a revolutionary woman, because, at the forefront, it is the collective women that we follow, as workers, towards the invention of a world without a sovereign, without patriarchy, without capital, without imperialism; without surrender to the existing, to the established.

Matriarchy is the true name of Marxism. By following him we follow nothing but endless equality, at the end of the tunnel of the permanent state of exception of patriarchal hell.

Women of the world, unite outside the patriarchy of capital and, above all, the capital accumulated under the deadly cloak of Western-American imperialism. This is imposed first of all against you, but also against working men, as well as against trans, black, yellow, Indian, people.

Unite and take the lead in the definitive end of slavery, including male slavery, knowing from the outset that patriarchy is much more than a face: it is international institutions, it is the social relations of production and reproduction of the order of things; the dollar, that god of all patriarchies, leeches affective, family, national, epistemic, cultural exchanges, imposing itself as an exchange value for war, inflation, blackmail, coups d'état, color revolutions, genocides .

To overcome patriarchy, we must overcome the multitudinous patrilineal sociometabolism that feeds it, feeds it back, condemning us to the prehistory of humanity, since history in fact, if it is, is history without patriarchy; the history that takes place like a birth: we are born to give birth, matriarchally, that is, as common people, communists, because every day, in a new matrilineal era, will be the day of the offspring, that is, of the class worker, in a world, to remember the Anthropophagous manifesto by Oswald de Andrade, in which reality, this patriarchal failure of the West, will no longer harbor madness, complexes, prostitution, penitentiaries.

Patriarchies and the multipolar world

There is, however, no Manichaean opposition between matriarchy and patriarchy because there is no discursive unity, that is, nothing is (here is patriarchy!) and that is final (and here is matriarchy). There is dialectic, uninterrupted movement between the inessence of matriarchy, that other name for communism; and the inessence of patriarchy, in the unity of contradiction.

In dialogue with Michael Hudson of The Collapse of Antiquity (2023) and The destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism, or Socialism: (i) three thousand years ago, since the Bronze Age, non-Western societies, especially in the Middle East, such as Babylon, Assyria, Sumer, the region that created money and credit, the actually existing patriarchy, based on the Palace, had a tradition of tabula rasa and, with this, periodic forgiveness of agrarian and personal debts, freeing slaves and returning confiscated lands; (ii) between 1200 and approximately 750 BC, a Dark Age, with radical climate changes, would have reached the Near East, reaching the Mediterranean region, destroying the economies of the previous palaces.

(iii) At the end of this period, an oligarchic class emerged within ancient Greece, which, using the credit/money system of Mesopotamian civilizations, abandoned, however, the culture of debt forgiveness, imposing itself through servitude financial to society as a whole; (iv) the Roman Empire had as its ruling class a warlike oligarchy inherited from the Greek, further updating social relations of production based on the absolute hegemony of the creditor, to the detriment of the debtor.

Still speaking with Michael Hudson, during the period of decline of the Christianized Roman Empire, five patriarchates spread, in the West and the East: that of Constantinople, that of Antioch, that of Alexandria, that of Jerusalem and the western one, that of Rome . The first four were tolerant, from a religious and cultural point of view; and internally fought the oligarchization of their respective societies. The last one, with an oligarchic tradition, carried out an unrelenting war against the first four. It was the medieval Crusades, with the popes following orders from the Roman patriarchy.

The Crusades, therefore, were not simply against the Moors, who dominated much of the patriarchate of Constantinople. They were against other patriarchies, with the aim of imposing a unipolar order, patriarchally. The West (colonial, capitalist and imperialist, until reaching US ultra-imperialism, and, thus, Wall Street, Black Rock, Vanguard; and half a dozen trillionaire oligarchs such as the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Du Ponts) can be interpreted, in this context, as the unipolar patriarchy in an incessant crusade against tolerant and truly multicultural patriarchies, precluding the advent of matriarchal communist civilization.

One cannot, therefore, talk about patriarchy in the abstract; nor in capitalism and, consequently, in imperialism, because all these economic-social formations, established worldwide, are heirs to the oligarchic patriarchy of Rome, with an effectively unipolar perspective. Not all patriarchy, therefore, is beforehand negative, opposed to matriarchy. With the end of the socialist-based patriarchy of the USSR in 1991, the unipolar patriarchy of US ultra-imperialism, with its worldwide network of oligarchic alliances, imposed a new religious crusade on the world – the second cold war – with the aim of ruthlessly destroying ancient patriarchies such as the Iranian, the Russian, the Chinese, the Turkish.

The war between the patriarchal unipolarity of the oligarchic West, against the emergence of the multicultural and multipolar patriarchy not only takes up, on other bases, the Crusades of the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries, but also, under the leadership of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, puts the total farce of culture on stage Woke, at the service of the White House (like domesticated slaves), this Big House against potentially matriarchal peoples, because without their own origin and destiny, because, from the past to the present and to the future, matrilineal, without promised lands, without property private, without an oligarchic State with its industrial-military-cultural Complex imposing debt bondage in an oligarchic and, therefore, Western way, which is why, with Frantz Fanon: “If we want to respond to the expectations of our peoples, we must seek in somewhere other than Europe” (FANON, 2022, 327).]

Updating it: you need to look somewhere other than the United States of America. Yes, in Vladimir Putin, in Xi Jinping, these two multipolar patriarchs from the anteroom of the plurisocialist matriarchy, with their homoaffective, black, yellow, pluriethnic and plurilibidinal becomings, in praxis geopolitics expressed by the very fact that, like Zumbi dos Palmares, they force, with strong patriarchal states, the advent of a world without the rule-based order of the ancient Western oligarchic dictatorship, fleeing from it to the future self-creation of the communist matriarchy, from which , when everyone grasps the here and now without alienation, “something will emerge in the world that shines for everyone in childhood and where no one has been yet: the homeland” (BLOCH, 2006, p.462).

A mater homeland through which and in which we will abandon patriarchies, with the advent of the cosmological matrilineality of the Earth, water for everyone and no one; nature and society indiscernible.

*Luis Eustáquio Soares He is a professor at the Department of Literature at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Author, among other books, of The society of integrated control (Edufes).


HOLY BIBLE. Old Testament and New Testament. Translation: João Ferreira de Almeida. São Paulo: Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, 1993.

BLOCH, Ernst. The principle of hope. Trans. Nelio Schneider. V. 3. Rio de Janeiro: edUERJ/Contraponto, 2006.

ENGELS, Friedrich. The origin of the family, private property and the state. Translation: Leandro Konder. Rio de Janeiro: sn, 1984.

FANON, Frantz. The Damned of the Earth. Trans. Lígia Fonseca Ferreira, Regina Salgado Campos. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2022.

HUDSON, Michael. The destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism, or Socialism. Publisher: 2022.

Hudson, Michael. The Collapse of Antiquity. Publisher: 2023.

LENIN, Vladimir Ilytch. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. So Paulo: Global, 1979.

LUXEMBOURG, ROSE. The accumulation of capital: study on the economic interpretation of imperialism.Translation: Moniz Bandeira. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1970.

MARX, Karl & ENGELS, Friedrich. communist manifesto. Translation: Álvaro Pina. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2010.

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