Dialogues on China: geopolitics and economic model
PODCAST: Bruno Hendler and Elias Jabbour comment on the book “Contemporary China”, mediated by Ricardo Musse. Edited by Daniel Pavan. Listen in the player below or head over to Spotfy.
PODCAST: Bruno Hendler and Elias Jabbour comment on the book “Contemporary China”, mediated by Ricardo Musse. Edited by Daniel Pavan. Listen in the player below or head over to Spotfy.
China became a power not because of the opening of socialism to neoliberal capitalism. Rather, capitalism was framed within a long-term market development program.
PODCAST: Bruno Hendler and Elias Jabbour comment on the book “Contemporary China”, mediated by Ricardo Musse. Edited by Daniel Pavan. Listen in the player below or head over to Spotfy.
China became a power not because of the opening of socialism to neoliberal capitalism. Rather, capitalism was framed within a long-term market development program.