Brazilians and Colombians
By EDERGENIO NEGREIROS VIEIRA: Both here and there, racism acts by shaping social and political relations, showing itself in a structural, organic and functional way.
By EDERGENIO NEGREIROS VIEIRA: Both here and there, racism acts by shaping social and political relations, showing itself in a structural, organic and functional way.
By EDERGÊNIO NEGREIROS VIEIRA: The traumas that sudden absence produces give rise to several heads in this Hydra of Lerna, called violence
By EDERGENIO VIEIRA: Last year, 739 people were rescued from servitude in the state of Goiás
By EDERGENIO NEGREIROS VIEIRA: Both here and there, racism acts by shaping social and political relations, showing itself in a structural, organic and functional way.
By EDERGÊNIO NEGREIROS VIEIRA: The traumas that sudden absence produces give rise to several heads in this Hydra of Lerna, called violence
By EDERGENIO VIEIRA: Last year, 739 people were rescued from servitude in the state of Goiás