Operation 142 – a protocol for the coup d'état
By EDSON TELES: The document has six steps and the final product was defined by the phrase “Lula does not climb the ramp”
By EDSON TELES: The document has six steps and the final product was defined by the phrase “Lula does not climb the ramp”
By EDSON TELES: Reflecting on simplifying narratives about the 1964 coup and the dictatorship and going beyond the superficialities helps to understand the four years of an authoritarian government
By EDSON TELES: Ignorance of facts or the voluntary archiving of history has caused damage to Brazilian democracy
In Brazil, the state of exception is the norm in precarious territories and against the disposable bodies of democracy
By EDSON TELES: The document has six steps and the final product was defined by the phrase “Lula does not climb the ramp”
By EDSON TELES: Reflecting on simplifying narratives about the 1964 coup and the dictatorship and going beyond the superficialities helps to understand the four years of an authoritarian government
By EDSON TELES: Ignorance of facts or the voluntary archiving of history has caused damage to Brazilian democracy
In Brazil, the state of exception is the norm in precarious territories and against the disposable bodies of democracy