urban tragedies
By CLÁUDIO DI MAURO, ERMÍNIA MARICATO & JOSÉ MACHADO: The situation of precariousness and the immense social debt of the sanitation sector in relation to the Brazilian population is obvious
By CLÁUDIO DI MAURO, ERMÍNIA MARICATO & JOSÉ MACHADO: The situation of precariousness and the immense social debt of the sanitation sector in relation to the Brazilian population is obvious
By ERMÍNIA MARICATO, ION DE ANDRADE & JOÃO SETTE WHITAKER FERREIRA: To guarantee the future of the country, it is necessary to recover a generation from hunger, unemployment and Covid-19.
It is necessary that the Master Plans leave the rhetoric, leave the condition of fetishes, to become plans of action
By Erminia Maricato
Presentation and full text of the democratic project for Brazilian cities coordinated by the Frente Brasil Popular
By CLÁUDIO DI MAURO, ERMÍNIA MARICATO & JOSÉ MACHADO: The situation of precariousness and the immense social debt of the sanitation sector in relation to the Brazilian population is obvious
By ERMÍNIA MARICATO, ION DE ANDRADE & JOÃO SETTE WHITAKER FERREIRA: To guarantee the future of the country, it is necessary to recover a generation from hunger, unemployment and Covid-19.
It is necessary that the Master Plans leave the rhetoric, leave the condition of fetishes, to become plans of action
By Erminia Maricato
Presentation and full text of the democratic project for Brazilian cities coordinated by the Frente Brasil Popular