Donald Trump and the specter of identitarianism
By FLÁVIA BIROLI & LUCIANA TATAGIBA: A false explanation, which operates selectively with information and targets those who contribute to the construction of inclusive democracy projects
By FLÁVIA BIROLI & LUCIANA TATAGIBA: A false explanation, which operates selectively with information and targets those who contribute to the construction of inclusive democracy projects
By FLÁVIA BIROLI, JUAN MARCO VAGGIONE & MARIA DAS DORES CAMPOS MACHADO: Read an excerpt from the recently released book
By FLÁVIA BIROLI & LEONARDO AVRITZER: Considerations on the performance of the left in the 2020 municipal elections
By FLÁVIA BIROLI: The Brazilian tragedy has several components. Neoliberalism, authoritarianism, low capacity for political leadership, rejection of science and an open disregard for life make up the lack of adequate responses to the effects of the pandemic.
By FLÁVIA BIROLI & LUCIANA TATAGIBA: A false explanation, which operates selectively with information and targets those who contribute to the construction of inclusive democracy projects
By FLÁVIA BIROLI, JUAN MARCO VAGGIONE & MARIA DAS DORES CAMPOS MACHADO: Read an excerpt from the recently released book
By FLÁVIA BIROLI & LEONARDO AVRITZER: Considerations on the performance of the left in the 2020 municipal elections
By FLÁVIA BIROLI: The Brazilian tragedy has several components. Neoliberalism, authoritarianism, low capacity for political leadership, rejection of science and an open disregard for life make up the lack of adequate responses to the effects of the pandemic.