SUS Management: what to do? – III
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The solutions to be presented for the SUS, rather than representing a surrender to private and market logic, should mean exactly the opposite.
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The solutions to be presented for the SUS, rather than representing a surrender to private and market logic, should mean exactly the opposite.
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The forms of organization that have been proposed for the SUS, as management methods for the system and the case of federal hospitals in Rio de Janeiro
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The care model and financing of our universal health system, public-private relations in health, and labor relations in the SUS
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: There is no solution for the SUS without combating all forms of privatization and without eliminating once and for all all the management tools and instruments that diversify and fragment its conceptual rules
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The solutions to be presented for the SUS, rather than representing a surrender to private and market logic, should mean exactly the opposite.
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The forms of organization that have been proposed for the SUS, as management methods for the system and the case of federal hospitals in Rio de Janeiro
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The care model and financing of our universal health system, public-private relations in health, and labor relations in the SUS
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: There is no solution for the SUS without combating all forms of privatization and without eliminating once and for all all the management tools and instruments that diversify and fragment its conceptual rules