The digital hive
By FRANCISCO LOUÇA: Artificial intelligence makes humanity stupider
By FRANCISCO LOUÇA: Milei, in style, is a superlative imitation of Trump and Bolsonaro; in content, it is the bearer of an overwhelming liberalism. In the end, it is proof that liberalism has become the extreme right in AL
By FRANCISCO LOUÇA: Considerations on the recently published book by Valerio Arcary
Analysis of the Portuguese election and the absolute majority won at the polls by the PS
By FRANCISCO LOUÇÃ: The war between Apple and Facebook is a cannon volley against control technology
By FRANCISCO LOUÇÃ: Preface to the Portuguese edition of the book by Cristiano Zanin, Valeska Martins & Rafael Valim
Trump's offensive against China, with Huawei, TikTok and WeChat as immediate targets, is the cold war of our time
By FRANCISCO LOUÇÃ: The politics of chaos and control is the way to organize power in the society of fear. Will it succeed, and if so, how will it work?
By FRANCISCO LOUÇA: Milei, in style, is a superlative imitation of Trump and Bolsonaro; in content, it is the bearer of an overwhelming liberalism. In the end, it is proof that liberalism has become the extreme right in AL
By FRANCISCO LOUÇA: Considerations on the recently published book by Valerio Arcary
Analysis of the Portuguese election and the absolute majority won at the polls by the PS
By FRANCISCO LOUÇÃ: The war between Apple and Facebook is a cannon volley against control technology
By FRANCISCO LOUÇÃ: Preface to the Portuguese edition of the book by Cristiano Zanin, Valeska Martins & Rafael Valim
Trump's offensive against China, with Huawei, TikTok and WeChat as immediate targets, is the cold war of our time
By FRANCISCO LOUÇÃ: The politics of chaos and control is the way to organize power in the society of fear. Will it succeed, and if so, how will it work?