Venezuelan electoral records
Political support or proximity is not due to personal sympathies or dogmas of faith, but to material and objective guidelines
Political support or proximity is not due to personal sympathies or dogmas of faith, but to material and objective guidelines
By GILBERTO MARINGONI & PAULO ALVES JUNIOR: Entry from the Dictionary of Marxism in America
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: The public denial of the coup 60 years ago gives rise to its reaffirmation and constant renewal. It implies its defense and the prevention of a previous page being actually turned over
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: In the event yesterday in São Paulo, the former president tries to transform his crimes into a political dispute, and in addition to cohesion and unify allies nationally with a view to the October elections
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: It is necessary to process and arrest the big fish from the 8th of January
By GILBERTO MARINGONI, ISMARA IZEPE DE SOUZA & BRUNO FABRICIO ALCEBINO DA SILVA: Preface from the organizers of the recently released book
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: Comment on the recently released book by Manuel Domingos Neto
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: Brazil repeats in its foreign policy its ambiguous, retreating and pusillanimous conduct in the face of complex situations
The Colombian president advanced on institutions considered untouchable in Latin America
What is on the agenda in the debate about the repeal of the labor reform is not just the citizenship rights of the majority of the population; it is also what Brazil we want to build
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: Commentary on the recently published book by Marcos Silva
By Gilberto Maringoni
“Socialism is the work of real people, in the real world, dirty, ugly and sometimes disgusting. It is a bumpy and hard construction, but concrete and objective”
Political support or proximity is not due to personal sympathies or dogmas of faith, but to material and objective guidelines
By GILBERTO MARINGONI & PAULO ALVES JUNIOR: Entry from the Dictionary of Marxism in America
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: The public denial of the coup 60 years ago gives rise to its reaffirmation and constant renewal. It implies its defense and the prevention of a previous page being actually turned over
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: In the event yesterday in São Paulo, the former president tries to transform his crimes into a political dispute, and in addition to cohesion and unify allies nationally with a view to the October elections
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: It is necessary to process and arrest the big fish from the 8th of January
By GILBERTO MARINGONI, ISMARA IZEPE DE SOUZA & BRUNO FABRICIO ALCEBINO DA SILVA: Preface from the organizers of the recently released book
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: Comment on the recently released book by Manuel Domingos Neto
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: Brazil repeats in its foreign policy its ambiguous, retreating and pusillanimous conduct in the face of complex situations
The Colombian president advanced on institutions considered untouchable in Latin America
What is on the agenda in the debate about the repeal of the labor reform is not just the citizenship rights of the majority of the population; it is also what Brazil we want to build
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: Commentary on the recently published book by Marcos Silva
By Gilberto Maringoni
“Socialism is the work of real people, in the real world, dirty, ugly and sometimes disgusting. It is a bumpy and hard construction, but concrete and objective”