Poetry in the time of fires in the sky
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Considerations on the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Considerations on the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: We fight for universal and free access to high-quality education, and something like this will not be achieved by changing the university entrance exam curriculum, but rather by abolishing its existence once and for all
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Time-averse narratives of the commodity form remind us that the person holding the book is not producing anything that accumulates value
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: The pain of forgetting is something that constitutes our very experiences of love
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Considerations on the work of the poet and writer
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: The issue of slavery in Machado's novel
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Maybe revisit the auspicious of Fernando Pessoa can indicate that reality is this static misery that only death gives
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Considerations on the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: We fight for universal and free access to high-quality education, and something like this will not be achieved by changing the university entrance exam curriculum, but rather by abolishing its existence once and for all
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Time-averse narratives of the commodity form remind us that the person holding the book is not producing anything that accumulates value
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: The pain of forgetting is something that constitutes our very experiences of love
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Considerations on the work of the poet and writer
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: The issue of slavery in Machado's novel
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: Maybe revisit the auspicious of Fernando Pessoa can indicate that reality is this static misery that only death gives