The popular-democratic strategy
By HERICK ARGOLO: Recognizing a democratic-popular stage does not please revolutionary verbiage, but it is what really allows us to achieve a popular democracy
By HERICK ARGOLO: Recognizing a democratic-popular stage does not please revolutionary verbiage, but it is what really allows us to achieve a popular democracy
The path traced by Bolsonarism and the imperative to elect Lula
The act on May 29 was important, but we still have a lot to build before we start to get out of the defensive
By Herick Argolo:
History will speed up and windows will open for us as well as for our enemies. Once again, it is the proletariat who will be able to play the decisive role in history
By Herick Argolo
To think that the problem is Bolsonaro's "craziness" is to be restricted to a superficial and illusory view of the political scene. It is necessary to go much further.
By HERICK ARGOLO: Recognizing a democratic-popular stage does not please revolutionary verbiage, but it is what really allows us to achieve a popular democracy
The path traced by Bolsonarism and the imperative to elect Lula
The act on May 29 was important, but we still have a lot to build before we start to get out of the defensive
By Herick Argolo:
History will speed up and windows will open for us as well as for our enemies. Once again, it is the proletariat who will be able to play the decisive role in history
By Herick Argolo
To think that the problem is Bolsonaro's "craziness" is to be restricted to a superficial and illusory view of the political scene. It is necessary to go much further.