A straw hat in the Porto Alegre elections
By JORGE BARCELLOS: It is not enough for the left to simply deconstruct its opponent's speech in elections: it is necessary to take the battle to the symbolic field as well
By JORGE BARCELLOS: It is not enough for the left to simply deconstruct its opponent's speech in elections: it is necessary to take the battle to the symbolic field as well
By JORGE BARCELLOS: The flood as a museum theme reminds governments that they are responsible for the policy of protecting cities, whatever their ideology
By JORGE BARCELLOS: The rains that fell in Rio Grande do Sul also resulted in serious damage to the memory contained in the historical collection of the Porto Alegre City Council
By JORGE BARCELLOS: It is not enough for the left to simply deconstruct its opponent's speech in elections: it is necessary to take the battle to the symbolic field as well
By JORGE BARCELLOS: The flood as a museum theme reminds governments that they are responsible for the policy of protecting cities, whatever their ideology
By JORGE BARCELLOS: The rains that fell in Rio Grande do Sul also resulted in serious damage to the memory contained in the historical collection of the Porto Alegre City Council