The smart city
By LUIZ MARQUES: Commentary based on the book by Francesca Bria and Evgeny Morozov
By LUIZ MARQUES: Commentary based on the book by Francesca Bria and Evgeny Morozov
By LUIZ MARQUES: The importance of trust in the post-truth era and the effects of the internet on politics and everyday life
By LUIZ MARQUES: In data-centric capitalism, the criterion of cognitive validity is entrepreneurial profit from prosaic aspects of everyday existence, which embody profitable assets.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Resentment feeds anti-republican feelings, an aversion to egalitarian norms. Its revolt targets the subordinate position in the hierarchy, not the system.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Hallucinations today serve the interests of the extreme right, which always maintains an active distrust of cognitive rationality and the institutions of the Republic.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The “self-entrepreneur” is the poor self-referential guy with a dulled sensitivity: winners know that meritocracy is nonsense.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The government is cynically blackmailed in the eyes of the corporate media, which does not transform the fact into a political-media scandal
By LUIZ MARQUES: The deregulation of inspection bodies and the uberization of labor evoke an obvious civilizational regression and an accelerated reverse march in the evolution of Homo sapiens
By LUIZ MARQUES: The privatization of personal existence can be interpreted as a symptom of “alienation,” which suspends collective ties with the species and the planet
By LUIZ MARQUES: To break the habit and superstition inherent in servility, it is enough to rebel instead of consenting.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Commentary on the recently released book by Jefferson Tenório
By LUIZ MARQUES: The polarization between the State and the market is a work of fiction. Historically, neoliberalism has depended on the hands of the State to expand.
By LUIZ MARQUES: There is a lack of communication between the conceptual apparatus of the left and the daily lives of people who are sensitive to social issues. The political circuit that was interrupted for forty years ago needs to be restored, urgently and methodically.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The circus is cosmopolitan. The reproduction of the outrageousness survives institutional demagogy, which propagates anti-politics, the free market and criminalizes the left.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Recovering ethics in politics means proposing a complete restructuring of everyday life. This is the duty of a new left, in fact and in law.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The voters' choice was to re-elect the current "managers"; the neoliberal word depoliticizes their decisions, by removing the political dimension inherent in government choices
By LUIZ MARQUES: Reason does not free humanity from prejudices and superstitions. Communication transforms the media into a mechanism of dissimulation and intimidation.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The moral and cultural reform of the country depends on the ideological struggle for the emancipation of consciences subjugated and underestimated by conservative thought, in captive democracy
By LUIZ MARQUES: Low rates of unionization and anti-capitalist militancy are signs of the decline of ideologies and politics: they symptomatize the collapse of democracy and the dawn of regimes of exception, fertile ground for the sowing of horror
By LUIZ MARQUES: Neo-urbanism tramples on master plans. He who can, commands; he who compromises or becomes corrupt, obeys
By LUIZ MARQUES: Commentary based on the book by Francesca Bria and Evgeny Morozov
By LUIZ MARQUES: The importance of trust in the post-truth era and the effects of the internet on politics and everyday life
By LUIZ MARQUES: In data-centric capitalism, the criterion of cognitive validity is entrepreneurial profit from prosaic aspects of everyday existence, which embody profitable assets.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Resentment feeds anti-republican feelings, an aversion to egalitarian norms. Its revolt targets the subordinate position in the hierarchy, not the system.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Hallucinations today serve the interests of the extreme right, which always maintains an active distrust of cognitive rationality and the institutions of the Republic.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The “self-entrepreneur” is the poor self-referential guy with a dulled sensitivity: winners know that meritocracy is nonsense.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The government is cynically blackmailed in the eyes of the corporate media, which does not transform the fact into a political-media scandal
By LUIZ MARQUES: The deregulation of inspection bodies and the uberization of labor evoke an obvious civilizational regression and an accelerated reverse march in the evolution of Homo sapiens
By LUIZ MARQUES: The privatization of personal existence can be interpreted as a symptom of “alienation,” which suspends collective ties with the species and the planet
By LUIZ MARQUES: To break the habit and superstition inherent in servility, it is enough to rebel instead of consenting.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Commentary on the recently released book by Jefferson Tenório
By LUIZ MARQUES: The polarization between the State and the market is a work of fiction. Historically, neoliberalism has depended on the hands of the State to expand.
By LUIZ MARQUES: There is a lack of communication between the conceptual apparatus of the left and the daily lives of people who are sensitive to social issues. The political circuit that was interrupted for forty years ago needs to be restored, urgently and methodically.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The circus is cosmopolitan. The reproduction of the outrageousness survives institutional demagogy, which propagates anti-politics, the free market and criminalizes the left.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Recovering ethics in politics means proposing a complete restructuring of everyday life. This is the duty of a new left, in fact and in law.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The voters' choice was to re-elect the current "managers"; the neoliberal word depoliticizes their decisions, by removing the political dimension inherent in government choices
By LUIZ MARQUES: Reason does not free humanity from prejudices and superstitions. Communication transforms the media into a mechanism of dissimulation and intimidation.
By LUIZ MARQUES: The moral and cultural reform of the country depends on the ideological struggle for the emancipation of consciences subjugated and underestimated by conservative thought, in captive democracy
By LUIZ MARQUES: Low rates of unionization and anti-capitalist militancy are signs of the decline of ideologies and politics: they symptomatize the collapse of democracy and the dawn of regimes of exception, fertile ground for the sowing of horror
By LUIZ MARQUES: Neo-urbanism tramples on master plans. He who can, commands; he who compromises or becomes corrupt, obeys