The mathematics of information disorder
By MARCOS DANTAS: It is necessary to remove from platforms the power to decide what can be posted or not, according to their diffuse and opaque “terms of use”
By MARCOS DANTAS: It is necessary to remove from platforms the power to decide what can be posted or not, according to their diffuse and opaque “terms of use”
By MARCOS DANTAS: Platforms, today, are completely outside any social or state control
By MARCOS DANTAS: Government actions to impose duties on platforms in defense of Brazilian Democracy
Excerpt from the “Introduction” of the newly released book
Reflections on the Science Fiction of the Bolshevik Leader Alexandr Bogdanov
By MARCOS DANTAS: Considerations on the new profile of contemporary society, the basis of the “Republic of militias”.
By MARCOS DANTAS: Commentary on Richard Barbrook's book
By MARCOS DANTAS: Data is not only a great source of wealth and capital accumulation but also, by extension, a source of extraordinary power
By MARCOS DANTAS: It is necessary to remove from platforms the power to decide what can be posted or not, according to their diffuse and opaque “terms of use”
By MARCOS DANTAS: Platforms, today, are completely outside any social or state control
By MARCOS DANTAS: Government actions to impose duties on platforms in defense of Brazilian Democracy
Excerpt from the “Introduction” of the newly released book
Reflections on the Science Fiction of the Bolshevik Leader Alexandr Bogdanov
By MARCOS DANTAS: Considerations on the new profile of contemporary society, the basis of the “Republic of militias”.
By MARCOS DANTAS: Commentary on Richard Barbrook's book
By MARCOS DANTAS: Data is not only a great source of wealth and capital accumulation but also, by extension, a source of extraordinary power