About Ernesto Geisel
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Considerations about the general's merits and some comparisons with Lula.
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Considerations about the general's merits and some comparisons with Lula.
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Vargas must be considered the greatest president of all time for his extraordinary number of great achievements, which left indelible marks
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The United States and the puppet Venezuelan opposition are unlikely to overthrow Nicolás Maduro
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: A defense of minister Fernando Haddad
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Lula will be a strong candidate for re-election in 2026. And his nominees will have a large majority in the Central Bank from January 2025 onwards. Opponents are restless and manufacture crises
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: When Conceição Tavares spoke, she shone brightly and left unforgettable marks
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The arguments in defense of the generous interest rates that the market so appreciates and that favor it so much are doubtful
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: New foreign investments are presented as a seal of trust or good behavior, without taking into account that the topic is vast and controversial
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The issue is complex and controversial, but there is no reason for the market and media’s catastrophist speeches
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The fundamental objective of the Lula government's opponents is to weaken it so that it can be defeated in the 2026 election
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The European Commission continues to fight for a neoliberal and neocolonial type agreement with Mercosur
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: With artificial intelligence, all routine intellectual activities, and even non-routine ones, are at risk of becoming redundant
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The challenges are mounting and the left is struggling unsuccessfully against them. Brazil, with Lula, even constitutes an exception, but only partial
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Because the Mercosur/European Union agreement is neocolonial, it is anachronistic, out of step with contemporary trends and an outdated style of agreement, whose basic format dates back to the end of the last century
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The decline of the USA is inevitable, despite the country's resistance. However, as in Greek tragedies, resistance to destiny does nothing more than accelerate its fulfillment.
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Lowering interest rates favors growth and favorably affects the distribution of national income and public accounts, but the BC needs to maintain high interest rates to please Patifaria Lima
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: There are many reasons for concern about this poorly conducted negotiation, in addition to the fact that it is an agreement with a neoliberal essence
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The negotiation of a terrible agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, during the Lula government
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: What explains Brazil's economic performance so far so much better than most expected?
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The background of this possible BRICS currency is the growing dysfunctionality of the international monetary system
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Considerations about the general's merits and some comparisons with Lula.
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Vargas must be considered the greatest president of all time for his extraordinary number of great achievements, which left indelible marks
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The United States and the puppet Venezuelan opposition are unlikely to overthrow Nicolás Maduro
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: A defense of minister Fernando Haddad
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Lula will be a strong candidate for re-election in 2026. And his nominees will have a large majority in the Central Bank from January 2025 onwards. Opponents are restless and manufacture crises
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: When Conceição Tavares spoke, she shone brightly and left unforgettable marks
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The arguments in defense of the generous interest rates that the market so appreciates and that favor it so much are doubtful
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: New foreign investments are presented as a seal of trust or good behavior, without taking into account that the topic is vast and controversial
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The issue is complex and controversial, but there is no reason for the market and media’s catastrophist speeches
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The fundamental objective of the Lula government's opponents is to weaken it so that it can be defeated in the 2026 election
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The European Commission continues to fight for a neoliberal and neocolonial type agreement with Mercosur
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: With artificial intelligence, all routine intellectual activities, and even non-routine ones, are at risk of becoming redundant
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The challenges are mounting and the left is struggling unsuccessfully against them. Brazil, with Lula, even constitutes an exception, but only partial
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Because the Mercosur/European Union agreement is neocolonial, it is anachronistic, out of step with contemporary trends and an outdated style of agreement, whose basic format dates back to the end of the last century
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The decline of the USA is inevitable, despite the country's resistance. However, as in Greek tragedies, resistance to destiny does nothing more than accelerate its fulfillment.
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: Lowering interest rates favors growth and favorably affects the distribution of national income and public accounts, but the BC needs to maintain high interest rates to please Patifaria Lima
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: There are many reasons for concern about this poorly conducted negotiation, in addition to the fact that it is an agreement with a neoliberal essence
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The negotiation of a terrible agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, during the Lula government
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: What explains Brazil's economic performance so far so much better than most expected?
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The background of this possible BRICS currency is the growing dysfunctionality of the international monetary system