Paraguay – the State of the López
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Nationalism, through Stalinism, penetrated the thinking and influenced the program and political profile of the Paraguayan left, especially after the end of the Chaco War.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Nationalism, through Stalinism, penetrated the thinking and influenced the program and political profile of the Paraguayan left, especially after the end of the Chaco War.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The apparent and the essential in the interpretation of the War against Paraguay
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The tree that covers the forest – a response to Mário Maestri
By RONALD LEÓN NUÑEZ: The brief experience that ushered in the era of “expropriation of the expropriators”
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The smooth running of the López business required that the people remain obedient to their “supreme” dictates
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: 176 years ago, the “spectre” of Communist Party Manifesto “haunts the world”, inspiring the conscience and guiding the political action of millions of people
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Capitalism was not restored by a foreign military invasion, nor, much less, by the masses of these countries. The historical responsibility for this betrayal lies with the Stalinist bureaucracy
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The “thaw” that began with the XNUMXth Congress of the CPSU showed, in a few months, that it would not turn into a spring
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Lech Walesa's conciliatory leadership was also responsible for the defeat: she never warned, prepared or politically organized the working class to resist a predictable army coup or an invasion by the USSR.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The crushing of the revolution in Prague was a military success at an enormous political cost. Stalinist brutality had once again tarnished the image of socialism
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The fact that Marxism is not a nationalist current does not mean that it does not recognize and defend the democratic right to self-determination of oppressed nations.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: A strike started by construction workers in East Berlin led to a riot that spread across the former German Democratic Republic
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The emergence of a political current with mass weight, multiform, equally from the right and from the left
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The myth of José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia's egalitarianism
A war, like any important event, should not be studied in isolation.
The Mexican experience is one of the few in which the anti-colonial battle took on the contours of a struggle between classes and not between sectors of the propertied classes.
The denial of past revolutions has the current political objective of strengthening the idea that any radical change is harmful.
A war of conquest and extermination of an oppressed nationality
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Nationalism, through Stalinism, penetrated the thinking and influenced the program and political profile of the Paraguayan left, especially after the end of the Chaco War.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The apparent and the essential in the interpretation of the War against Paraguay
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The tree that covers the forest – a response to Mário Maestri
By RONALD LEÓN NUÑEZ: The brief experience that ushered in the era of “expropriation of the expropriators”
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The smooth running of the López business required that the people remain obedient to their “supreme” dictates
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: 176 years ago, the “spectre” of Communist Party Manifesto “haunts the world”, inspiring the conscience and guiding the political action of millions of people
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Capitalism was not restored by a foreign military invasion, nor, much less, by the masses of these countries. The historical responsibility for this betrayal lies with the Stalinist bureaucracy
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The “thaw” that began with the XNUMXth Congress of the CPSU showed, in a few months, that it would not turn into a spring
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Lech Walesa's conciliatory leadership was also responsible for the defeat: she never warned, prepared or politically organized the working class to resist a predictable army coup or an invasion by the USSR.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The crushing of the revolution in Prague was a military success at an enormous political cost. Stalinist brutality had once again tarnished the image of socialism
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The fact that Marxism is not a nationalist current does not mean that it does not recognize and defend the democratic right to self-determination of oppressed nations.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: A strike started by construction workers in East Berlin led to a riot that spread across the former German Democratic Republic
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The emergence of a political current with mass weight, multiform, equally from the right and from the left
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The myth of José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia's egalitarianism
A war, like any important event, should not be studied in isolation.
The Mexican experience is one of the few in which the anti-colonial battle took on the contours of a struggle between classes and not between sectors of the propertied classes.
The denial of past revolutions has the current political objective of strengthening the idea that any radical change is harmful.
A war of conquest and extermination of an oppressed nationality