Humility, deliberation and collective work
By THOMAS PIKETTY: It is time for the left to once again describe the alternative economic system to which it aspires
By THOMAS PIKETTY: It is time for the left to once again describe the alternative economic system to which it aspires
By JULIA CAGÉ & THOMAS PIKETTY: The French left has been demonized, but its agenda is realistic, not radical
By THOMAS PIKETTY: By turning a blind eye to violations of international law and prioritizing short-term financial interests, the European Union has contributed to weakening the Israeli left
By THOMAS PIKETTY: The growing concentration of wealth is on the way to becoming the world's main economic problem
The campaign for the June legislative elections could be the occasion to break out of caricatures and make progress on fundamental issues.
By renouncing any ambition in terms of fiscal sovereignty and social justice, we only encourage the separatism of the richest
Neoliberalism, abandoning power to the richest and weakening public power, in the North as in the South, only reinforced the Chinese model
Inheritance for all aims to increase the bargaining power of those who have nothing
The Covid-19 crisis leads to a rethinking of the notion of international solidarity
By THOMAS PIKETTY: Billionaires are everywhere in the magazines, and it's time for them to appear in the tax statistics
By THOMAS PIKETTY: It was by resorting to exceptional taxes on the richest that the large public debts of the post-war period were extinguished, and that the social and productive pact of the following decades was rebuilt
By THOMAS PIKETTY: Historical experience shows that nationalism can only lead to exacerbating inequality and climate tensions, and that absolute free trade has no future
By THOMAS PIKETTY: To repair society from the damage of racism and colonialism, it is necessary to change the economic system
By THOMAS PIKETTY: The author of Capital in the XNUMXst Century discusses the effects of the pandemic on economies, societies and globalization.
By THOMAS PIKETTY: It is time for the left to once again describe the alternative economic system to which it aspires
By JULIA CAGÉ & THOMAS PIKETTY: The French left has been demonized, but its agenda is realistic, not radical
By THOMAS PIKETTY: By turning a blind eye to violations of international law and prioritizing short-term financial interests, the European Union has contributed to weakening the Israeli left
By THOMAS PIKETTY: The growing concentration of wealth is on the way to becoming the world's main economic problem
The campaign for the June legislative elections could be the occasion to break out of caricatures and make progress on fundamental issues.
By renouncing any ambition in terms of fiscal sovereignty and social justice, we only encourage the separatism of the richest
Neoliberalism, abandoning power to the richest and weakening public power, in the North as in the South, only reinforced the Chinese model
Inheritance for all aims to increase the bargaining power of those who have nothing
The Covid-19 crisis leads to a rethinking of the notion of international solidarity
By THOMAS PIKETTY: Billionaires are everywhere in the magazines, and it's time for them to appear in the tax statistics
By THOMAS PIKETTY: It was by resorting to exceptional taxes on the richest that the large public debts of the post-war period were extinguished, and that the social and productive pact of the following decades was rebuilt
By THOMAS PIKETTY: Historical experience shows that nationalism can only lead to exacerbating inequality and climate tensions, and that absolute free trade has no future
By THOMAS PIKETTY: To repair society from the damage of racism and colonialism, it is necessary to change the economic system
By THOMAS PIKETTY: The author of Capital in the XNUMXst Century discusses the effects of the pandemic on economies, societies and globalization.