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By VALTER POMAR: Comment on the article by Gil Vicente Reis de Figueiredo
By VALTER POMAR: The heritage of Pomar, a heritage worthy of the best revolutionaries, is not the heritage of the family or any group
The Brazilian left, starting with the PT, needs to place the program it defends at the center of the national political debate.
By Valter Pomar
It is about fighting, organizing, regaining a majority in the working class: this is the way to overcome the “crisis of the 40s” of our Workers' Party. And the workers.
By VALTER POMAR: The heritage of Pomar, a heritage worthy of the best revolutionaries, is not the heritage of the family or any group
The Brazilian left, starting with the PT, needs to place the program it defends at the center of the national political debate.
By Valter Pomar
It is about fighting, organizing, regaining a majority in the working class: this is the way to overcome the “crisis of the 40s” of our Workers' Party. And the workers.