By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: Preface to the new edition of “Stories of Alexander”, by Graciliano Ramos
By ELIAS JABBOUR: Reflections on the Chinese path through Africa
By PAUL LE BLANC: The German revolutionary asserted the need for genuine democracy for genuine socialism, as well as warning against violations of democracy by the Bolshevik regime in the post-Revolution period.
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: Digital work and automation have reshaped capitalist relations, but the system ultimately still depends on the exploitation of human labor, whether digital, manual or intermediary.
By DANIEL SANTIAGO B. DA SILVA: The ideal of whiteness is forcibly imposed on people in Brazilian society and institutions
By PALACE MARKERS: Considerations on Isaac Asimov's book that turns 75 years old.
By BARBARA COELHO NEVES: Zuckerberg's intention is for the American government to interfere in the sovereignty of other countries, claiming that opposition to these new guidelines is contrary to freedom of expression.
By KARL LIEBKNECHT: Who should the German people thank for the continuation of the horrible war, for Italy's intervention? No one is responsible but the irresponsible people in our own country!
By ANSELM PESSOA NETO: Respect is what our consciences will demand from the candidates in the upcoming election for the Rectorship of our institution.
By JOÃO QUARTIM DE MORAES: There was no lack of coherence and ambition in the national industrial development plan launched by Ernesto Geisel
By ANOUCH KURKDJIAN: Considerations on Tove Ditlevsen's book
By LUÍS FERNANDO VITAGLIANO: Big tech wants us to believe that they are fundamentally ideologically motivated, because then we remain ignorant of the technical issues that underpin digital capital.
By ROSA LUXEMBOURG: “We will make our voice resound loudly, the masses will understand us, and then they will turn all the more impetuously against these rumormongers and pogrom-provokers”
By MAURO JUNIOR GRIGGI: More than a legacy of past practices, racism presents itself as a dynamic phenomenon, capable of adapting to new configurations of power and production
By AB´SABER TALES: In order to function, the world we live in needs to give away for free, socialize the culture of fetish, the only guaranteed communism
By JUDITH BUTLER & ATHENA ATHANASIOU: Preface by the authors to the book recently published in Brazil
By MICHAEL ROBERTS: A new book analyzes long cycles and economic growth with more recent data and seeks to identify these long cycles in capitalism
By KARL LIEBKNECHT: Speech rejecting the approval of war credits in the German Parliament, December 1914. Karl Liebknecht was the only one among the 111 deputies of the German Social Democratic Party to vote against war credits
By LUIZ MENNA-BARRETO: School timetable policy ignores students in their temporalities
A country boy from Alagoas
A country boy from Alagoas
Por WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: Prefácio da nova edição de “Histórias de Alexandre”, de Graciliano Ramos ...
The second African independence
The second African independence
Por ELIAS JABBOUR: Reflexões sobre o caminho chinês pela África ...
Rosa Luxemburg, revolution, communism
Rosa Luxemburg, revolution, communism
Por PAUL LE BLANC: A revolucionária alemã afirmava sobre a necessidade de uma democracia genuína para um socialismo genuíno, assim ...
Labor exploitation in the digital age
Labor exploitation in the digital age
Por FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: O trabalho digital e a automação reconfiguraram as relações capitalistas, mas o sistema, em última ...
The myth of racial democracy in Brazil
The myth of racial democracy in Brazil
Por DANIEL SANTIAGO B. DA SILVA: O ideal da branquitude é imposto sobre as pessoas na sociedade e nas instituições ...
Interview with Valerio Arcary
Interview with Valerio Arcary
Interview with Valerio Arcary ...
I steal
I steal
By MARCOS PALACIOS: Considerations on Isaac Asimov's book that turns 75 years old...
Social networks – no man’s land?
Social networks – no man’s land?
By BARBARA COELHO NEVES: Zuckerberg's intention is the interference of the American government in the sovereignty of other countries, claiming ...
The main enemy is in our own country!
The main enemy is in our own country!
By KARL LIEBKNECHT: Whom do the German people have to thank for the continuation of the horrible war, for Italy's intervention? It is ...
The collapse of the public university
The collapse of the public university
By ANSELMO PESSOA NETO: Respect is what our consciences will demand from candidates in the near future...
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