A program to the left

Image: Vanessa Winship


PSol shows up, with reason and heart

We are less than eight months away from national elections. The real “polarization” that exists is between Bolsonarism and everyone who rejects its obscurantist worldview and actions to dismantle the country.

There is only one “extreme”: that of the extreme right in power, whose expression of the hour is the president of the (a)Fundação Palmares claiming that Moïse, the Congolese murdered, is a “vagabond”. And the Secretary of Culture spent R$ 72 of public money to walk around New York. Reign of denialist neo-fascism (including the vaccine! ) and corruption. Time of aggravated misery, open hatred, environmental and economic collapse, and inflation.

Faced with this scenario, the National Executive of PSOL met and, in this pre-campaign of exchanged signals and shuffled cards, where names are left and proposals are lacking, decided:

(1) unity of the left in immediate social struggles, returning to the streets, social mobilization. Already: the 8th of March is coming and, soon after, the 4 years since the execution of Marielle and Anderson, with our persistent cry: who sent it? For what reasons? Unity of initiatives also with conservative sectors favorable to impeachment and committed to democratic agendas.

(2) minimum program of 12 points for dialogue with the pre-candidacy of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva and all progressive parties and popular movements. Coalition, for PSol, is not a merger nor can it be a mere adhesion. These programmatic axes prioritize: (a) repeal of measures that precarious labor/social security rights and bar social investment, since the 2016 parliamentary coup; (b) tackling the climate crisis and resources to accelerate the energy transition; (c) tax reform focused on taxing income and property (notably the super-rich of large fortunes), with a reduction in taxes on essential goods; (d) popular participation in management, with full transparency and combating corruption; (e) emphasis on human rights, against all forms of oppression, based on class exploitation, structural racism, misogyny and LGBTphobia.

(3) continuity of understandings with the Sustainability Network, in order to form a programmatic and lasting electoral federation: ecosocialism and democracy!

For PSol, it is not enough to remove Bolsonaro – “whose government is weakening in public opinion but is far from having been defeated”. Even with the impeachment – ​​which remains urgent and difficult – it is also essential, in the October elections, to elect an expressive progressive group to support the reconstruction and advances in the country that is now sick, attacked and degraded.

* Chico Alencar he is a history teacher, writer and councilor for Psol in the City Council of Rio de Janeiro.


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